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Aprilia Leonardo 125, 150, 250, 300

In diesem Band (Nr. 5270) werden alle Modelle der Aprilia Leonardo 125/150/250/300 ab Modelljahr 1996 Franz Josef Schermer ist seit 1972 Motorradjournalist aus Leidenschaft. Bis 1978 arbeitete er für die Zeitschrift DAS MOTORRAD. Danach gründete er das Motorrad-Magazin MO und führte Zeitschrift und Verlag bis 1997. Seit 2002 betreut er die Motorrad-Reparaturanleitungen des Verlages bucheli.

Native Speakers

Gloria Anzaldua Book Prize, National Women’s Studies Association, 2009 In the early twentieth century, three women of color helped shape a new world of ethnographic discovery. Ella Cara Deloria, a Sioux woman from South Dakota, Zora Neale Hurston, an African American woman from Florida, and Jovita González, a Mexican American woman from the Texas borderlands, […]

Peggy Flanagan

The Minnesota Humanities Center presents Minnesota Native American Lives, three stories of exceptional individuals across sports, language, and government! Peggy Flanagan is the Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota. This is the second-highest office in the state. She is the first Native woman to hold such a high elected statewide office in the United States. Her whole […]

Charles Albert Bender

The Minnesota Humanities Center presents Minnesota Native American Lives, three stories of exceptional individuals across sports, language, and government! Charles Albert Bender invented the slider. He was a World Series-winning pitcher and the first Minnesotan inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. He grew up poor on a farm where he worked in the […]

The Golden West

Alicia Christensen is the Bison Books editor at the University of Nebraska Press and the editor of American Lives: A Reader (available in a Bison Books edition). David Wrobel is a professor and chair of the Department of History at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He is the author of Promised Lands: Promotion, Memory, […]


The story of Blue Bird and her daughter, Waterlily, and their daily lives as Sioux Indians during the late nineteenth century Ella Cara Deloria (1889-1971) was born on the Yankton reservation in South Dakota and grew up in a prominent family on the Standing Rock reservation during a disruptive time in her tribe’s history. She studied […]

Speaking of Indians

Ella Deloria could speak intimately about Indian ways because she belonged to a Yankton Sioux family. A distinguished scholar who studied with Franz Boas at Columbia University, she had the gift of language and the understanding necessary to bridge races. Originally published in 1944, this book is an important source of information about Dakota culture […]

Dakota Texts

Ella Deloria (1889-1971), one of the first Native students of linguistics and ethnography in the United States, grew up on the Standing Rock Reservation on the northern Great Plains and was trained by Franz Boas at Columbia University. “Dakota Texts” presents a rich array of Sioux mythology and folklore in its original language and in […]

The Dakota Way of Life

Ella Cara Deloria was the most prolific Native scholar of the greater Sioux Nation, and the results of her lifelong work comprise an essential source for the study of the greater Sioux Nation culture and language. Ella Cara Deloria (1889–1971), a member of a prominent Yankton Sioux family, was born on the Yankton Reservation and […]

Ella Cara Deloria

The Minnesota Humanities Center presents Minnesota Native American Lives, three stories of exceptional individuals across sports, language, and government! Ella Cara Deloria loved to listen to her family tell stories in the Dakota language. She recorded many American Indian peoples’ stories and languages and shared them with everyone. She helped protect her people’s language for […]

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