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Marina Abramovi¿

Nomadic Journey and Spirit of Places

Marina Abramovi¿

352 Seiten, Gebunden

Prestel Verlag · 2023



Artikelnummer: NDS3615168


„This book should be seen as a diary filled with writings, poetry, cut-outs, collages, photographs, and drawings

printed on the stationary papers which keep the memory of my journeys.“ Marina Abramovic

Never before published, this self-curated, intensely personal collection of travel notes and sketches by the world’s most revered performance artist offers readers a kind of iconography of Abramovic’s daring and utterly original body of work.

An artist’s notebooks are arguably the most authentic means of understanding her process, techniques, and impulses. And, for a performance artist, a rare, permanent record of how she develops her craft. Compiled over the course of four decades on stationery from various hotels, and other temporary residences, this collection of Marina Abramovic’s original drawings, collages, poetry, writings, cut-outs, photographs and doodles offers glimpses of a brilliant mind in constant motion. Beautifully produced and packaged, it takes readers on a journey through Abramovic’s thoughts-and traces the evolution of the most fruitful phase of her career. „My home was everywhere I went because my home was my own body.“ With the archival material elegantly reproduced in their original size on high-quality paper, this collection offers Abramovic’s enormous fanbase unprecedented access to her creative process.

Marina Abramovi¿ has earned worldwide acclaim as a pioneer of performance art for more than fifty years. In 2012 she founded the Marina Abramovi¿ Institute (MAI), a platform for immaterial and long durational work to create new possibilities for collaboration among thinkers of all fields. She lives in New York.“

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 1210 g
Größe 243 × 179 × 36 cm
Autor*in Marina Abramovi¿
Erscheinungsjahr 2023
Format Gebunden
Seiten 352 Seiten
ISBN-13 (EAN) 9783791379951
Verlag Prestel Verlag