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Do Design

Why Beauty is Key to Everything

Alan Moore

108 Seiten, Kartoniert / Broschiert

Publishers Group UK · 2016



Artikelnummer: NDS3636033


So much passes us by, unnoticed. We multi-task, switch between screens, work faster. When was the last time you paused to consider a beautifully made object or stunning natural landscape? Yet this is when our spirits lift, our soul is restored. Designer Alan Moore invites us to rethink not only what we produce whether it s a website, a handmade chair, or a business but how and why. With examples including Pixar, Apple, Yeo Valley and Blitz Motorcycles, we are encouraged to ask: Is it useful and considered. Is it a thing of beauty? Do Design will inspire you to: Improve your creative process Raise the quality and craft of your work Consider the experience as much as the product Adopt simplicity, utility and honesty as guiding principles We are creative beings. We love to make things. This book will inspire you to create better things for better reasons. Things that people will love for a long time to come. Some say beauty is a luxury. But what if it is key to creating a better world for us all?

Alan Moore has designed and created everything from books to businesses. He has a unique grasp on the forces that are reshaping our world and how to creatively respond to them. Working on six continents, Alan has shared his knowledge in the form of board and advisory positions at companies such as Hewlett Packard, Microsoft and The Coca Cola Company, workshops and speaking as well as teaching in institutions as wide ranging as MIT and Reading University’s Typography Department, Sloan School of Management and INSEAD. He is the author of four books on creativity, marketing and business transformation including ‘No Straight Lines: making sense of our nonlinear world’ (2011). He still works as an artist. He tries everyday to lead a life as beautifully as he possibly can.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 158 g
Größe 176 × 117 × 13 cm
Autor*in Alan Moore
Erscheinungsjahr 2016
Format Kartoniert / Broschiert
Seiten 108 Seiten
ISBN-13 (EAN) 9781907974281
Verlag Publishers Group UK