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Samaneh Khosravi

Banoo - Iranian Women and Their Stories

Samaneh Khosravi

160 Seiten, Halbleinen

Kerber Christof Verlag · 2024



Artikelnummer: NDS3656740


The photographic series Banoo by Samaneh Khosravi (b. 1984) addresses the position ofwomen in Iran today. Despite decades of oppression by a male-dominated society, women aresteadily gaining ground in science and the world of work. In order to obtain insight into thesituation of women in Iran and how they see themselves, the Iranian-German photographeraccompanied protagonists from various different social strata and locations in Iran throughtheir everyday lives. The resulting images show women who, contrary to the offi cial governmentdogma, are an integral part of social life and are already paving the way for a new generationthat will continue to stand up for dignity and the right to personal self-determination in the future.The term Banoo is a word used to refer to women that indicates respect and means “lady.”

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 784 g
Größe 254 × 202 × 18 cm
Autor*in Samaneh Khosravi
Erscheinungsjahr 2024
Format Halbleinen
Seiten 160 Seiten
ISBN-13 (EAN) 9783735609656
Verlag Kerber Christof Verlag