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Wilhelm Unverzagt (1892-1971)

Archäologe in vier politischen Systemen

Leube Achim

381 Seiten, Gebunden

VML Verlag Marie Leidorf · 2024



Artikelnummer: NDS3664144


The life and work of Wilhelm Unverzagt reflect the development of the subject of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology and an intensive half-century of German history. Unverzagt worked in four political systems as a student and protector of cultural heritage before and during World War I, as a museum director in the Weimar Republic and Third Reich and as director of the Academy Institute of the GDR, while also experiencing a fifth as a resident of West Berlin, even after the Wall had been built. The author, who knew Unverzagt personally and began his professional career in an environment strongly influenced by him, has been working on the subject for many years and has combed through 200 files in the Federal Archives in Berlin-Lichterfelde alone. Unverzagt, who was born in Wiesbaden as the son of a merchant of the same name and his wife Elise and is also buried there, moved to Berlin in 1920 for professional reasons, where he worked until his death. There he shaped the “Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte”, fended off Nazification by joining SS Ahnenerbe and planned, implemented and managed the Academy Institute. He was closely connected with both West and East.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 1804 g
Größe 299 × 215 × 30 cm
Autor*in Leube Achim
Erscheinungsjahr 2024
Format Gebunden
Seiten 381 Seiten
ISBN-13 (EAN) 9783896465740
Verlag VML Verlag Marie Leidorf