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Leo Tolstoy

John Bayley concentrates in this short introductory study on Tolstoy’s two great works and the ancillary texts and tales that relate to them. John Bayley is Warton Professor of English Emeritus at St Catherine’s College, University of Oxford and a distinguished scholar and critic. He has published many eminent works of literary criticism.

Leo Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), best known for his great novels, ‘War and Peace’ and ‘Anna Karenina’, had very strong convictions that he addressed directly in these letters and papers. Not quite definable but referred to with such adjectives as ‘count’, ‘Russian’, ‘novelist’, ‘vegetarian’, ‘anarchist’, ‘Christian’, ‘pacifist’, ‘teacher’, ‘husband’, and ‘father’, Tolstoy invites intrigue. Fortunately, he wrote […]

Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy’s Kreutzer Sonata is a detailed inquiry on man-woman relationships. This renowned book was the cause of major disturbances in socio-cultural circles. The book was banned both in America and Russia. US President Roosevelt described Tolstoy as a perverted sex-maniac, and promoter of false moral values. But this creation by Tolstoy – a visionary familiar […]

Leo Tolstoy

The perspective of the writer Leo Tolstoy on the reality of death. Death of Ivan Ilyich. Discussions on a major event such as death happen only in the larger world of great experiences and imagination. But when death comes unexpectedly, no philosophy comes to provide relief to him. Doubts about death end only with death […]

Leo Tolstoy

Book by, leo tolstoy The novel is set 60 years before Tolstoy’s day, but he had spoken with people who lived through the 1812 French invasion of Russia. He read all the standard histories available in Russian and French about the Napoleonic Wars and had read letters, journals, autobiographies and biographies of Napoleon and other […]

Leo Tolstoy

Over a hundred years ago, something truly outrageous occurred at Yasnaya Polyana. Count Leo Tolstoy, a famous author aged eighty-two at the time, took off, destination unknown. Since then, the circumstances surrounding the writer’s whereabouts during his final days and his eventual death have given rise to many myths and legends. In this book, popular […]

Anna Karenina

Leo Tolstoy (Author) Leo Tolstoy was born in 1828 in the Tula province. He studied at the University of Kazan, then led a life of pleasure until 1851 when he joined an artillery regiment in the Caucasus. He established his reputation as a writer with The Sebastopol Sketches (1855-6). After a period in St Petersburg […]

Transformation von Gesellschaften

Nach dem Zusammenbruch der realsozialistischen Systeme des Ostblocks schien der Triumph des liberalen, marktwirtschaftlich-kapitalistischen Gesellschaftsmodells des Westens unwiderruflich und die Frage nach Gesellschaftsalternativen obsolet geworden zu sein. Nun aber werden wir alle Zeugen eines gesellschaftlichen, eines epochalen Umbruchs: Klimawandel und Klimakatstrophen, Vertiefung der sozialen Ungleichheiten, Erosion der Demokratie und Anwachsen autorit?r-populistischer Bewegungen und Parteien, Digitalisierung, […]

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