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Your best friend

Ein Safe Place für gebrochene Herzen: das Buch von Sängerin und TikTokerin Kati K Du bist nicht allein! Dieses Buch begleitet dich durch den krassesten Heartbreak und andere dunkle Phasen in deinem Leben. Kati ist für dich da, erzählt von ihren persönlichen Erfahrungen und steht dir während einer schweren Trennung, nach einer zerbrochenen Freundschaft, bei […]

Als die Zeit stillstand

Ein vergessenes Meisterwerk, das es zu entdecken gilt, ein einmaliges Zeitzeugnis: »Als die Zeit stillstand«, das bewegende Tagebuch des großen Schriftstellers und Journalisten Léon Werth aus dem besetzten Frankreich zur Zeit des Vichy-Regimes der Jahre 1940 bis 1944. Im Sommer 1940 besetzen die Deutschen Paris. Der französische Publizist und Kritiker Léon Werth, jüdischer Herkunft, Pazifist […]

Applied Soap: Implementing .Net XML Web Services

Build tomorrow’s Web Services today in less time by applying the hottest new Internet tool, the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). Kenn Scribner is a full-time consultant specializing in distributed applications, COM, Windows programming, and systems architecture. Kenn also instructs for Wintellect (www.wintellect.com), where he wrote both the XML for Windows Programmers and Web Services […]

Scribner, F: Matters of Spirit

Offers a fresh interpretation of the philosophy of J G Fichte. This book shows the impact of nineteenth-century psychological techniques and technologies on the formation of J G Fichte’s theory of the imagination – the very centerpiece of his philosophical system. F. Scott Scribner is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Hartford.

Now in November

“Published when Josephine Johnson was only twenty-four years old, Now in November made Johnson the youngest ever winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 1935. It is a beautifully told account of one farming family’s challenges to scrape by and earn a living from mortgaged land over the course of a single year, narrated by one […]

The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives

This volume in the Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives series includes profiles of approximately 330 prominent individuals who died between 2003-2005, including Bob Hope, Ronald Reagan, Julia Child, Katherine Hepburn, Edward Teller and Rosa Parks.

Brick Lane

Now in paperback, Ali’s gorgeous first novel is the deeply moving story of one woman, Nazneen, born in a Bangladeshi village and transported to London at age 18 to enter into an arranged marriage. Monica Ali

Scribner, R: German Reformation

Over the past twenty years, new approaches to the history of the Reformation of the Church have radically altered our understanding of that event within its broadest social and cultural context. In this classic study R. W. Scribner provided a synthesis of the main research, with a special emphasis on the German Reformation, and presented […]

The Fortnight in September

Includes an excerpt from the author’s autobiography, No leading lady (1968), pages 291-295. R.C. Sherriff was born in 1896. He worked in an insurance office until he joined the East Surrey regiment early in World War I. In 1917, he was severely wounded at Ypres. Journey’s End, based on his letters home from the trenches, […]

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