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Around the World in 80 Musical Instruments

Nancy Dickmann

72 Seiten, Kartoniert / Broschiert

Hachette Children's Group · 2024


Derzeit nicht lieferbar

Artikelnummer: NDS3584195


A visual celebration of the huge variety of instruments played across the world. Grouped into percussion instruments, wind, and string, as well as the weird and wonderful that defy categorization, readers will discover how they are all related to each other in ‘families’, and enjoy exploring the musical family tree as a foldout poster.

Nancy Dickmann grew up in the USA, where she played baseball, ate hot dogs and read encyclopaedias for fun. She has now lived in England long enough to think that cold and rain are normal, but still has yet to try Morris dancing. Before becoming an author, she worked as an editor and publisher of children’s books. Now, with Pushkin the Three-Legged Wonder Cat as her trusty assistant (in charge of lap-sitting), she writes books on a wide range of topics, including animals, space, history, health and explorers. The highlight of her career so far has been getting to interview a real astronaut to find out how they use the toilet in space!

Zusätzliche Informationen

Größe 280 × 230 cm
Autor*in Nancy Dickmann
Erscheinungsjahr 2024
Format Kartoniert / Broschiert
Seiten 72 Seiten
ISBN-13 (EAN) 9781804536490
Verlag Hachette Children's Group
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