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Dinosaur Philosophy

James Stewart

144 Seiten, Gebunden

Harper Collins Publ. UK · 2022



Artikelnummer: NDS3675709


a comic about dinosaurs finding meaning, together

James Stewart is a British Citizen who has resided in Finland for the past seven years. Prior to becoming a full-time comic writer, he worked in communications for various international NGOs, including the UN. He has a BA in Politics and Philosophy, and a Masters in Political Theory. His hobbies include chess, listening to too many podcasts, and walking his dogs.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 292 g
Größe 160 × 152 × 16 cm
Autor*in James Stewart
Erscheinungsjahr 2022
Format Gebunden
Seiten 144 Seiten
ISBN-13 (EAN) 9780008530846
Verlag Harper Collins Publ. UK