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Look Inside: Your Body

Louie Stowell

13 Seiten, Pappe (nur für Bilderbücher)

Usborne Publishing · 2018



Artikelnummer: NDS3729584


Introduces children to the way in which their own bodies work.

Louie Stowell has written dozens of non-fiction and stories for Usborne, on everything from space science and coding to the human body and politics. After working as an author/editor for Usborne, she went on to be an Editorial Director at Ladybird, Penguin Random House. She is author of the bestselling Loki novels.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 512 g
Größe 223 × 201 × 18 cm
Autor*in Louie Stowell
Erscheinungsjahr 2018
Format Pappe (nur für Bilderbücher)
Seiten 13 Seiten
ISBN-13 (EAN) 9781409549475
Verlag Usborne Publishing