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Maria Lassnig

Werke aus der Sammlung Klewan

96 Seiten, Gebunden

Kerber Christof Verlag · 2022



Artikelnummer: NDS3694469


Maria Lassnig (1919-2014) is one of the most important women artists in art after 1960. Over her decades-long career, she produced an extensive and singular oeuvre in the fields of painting, drawing, and graphic reproductions, with intermittent excursions into (animation) film and sculpture. Visualizations of physical perceptions, so-called body awareness pictures, form the center of her work. Her painstaking self-analyses are also expressed in numerous self-portraits.Helmut Klewan accompanied Maria Lassnig as a gallerist for over three decades. This led to the development of a rich inventory of oil paintings and works on paper in addition to one sculpture. Forty works from various creative phases were selected for the exhibition in Berlin

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 755 g
Größe 270 × 265 × 15 cm
Erscheinungsjahr 2022
Format Gebunden
Seiten 96 Seiten
ISBN-13 (EAN) 9783735608710
Verlag Kerber Christof Verlag