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Matriarchale Gesellschaften der Gegenwart

Band I: Ostasien, Indonesien, Pazifischer Raum

Heide Göttner-Abendroth

264 Seiten, Kartoniert / Broschiert

Kohlhammer W. · 2021



Artikelnummer: NDS3602409


Modern research on matriarchy differs from earlier research on the subject by using an approach based on scientific methodology, as is demonstrated at the outset in this book. This is followed by a brief critical survey of previous research and its development. Modern matriarchy research is once again making accessible this completely different form of society & which is not an inversion of patriarchy. The way in which we conceive of matriarchal societies is being increasingly enriched through comparative cultural analyses. This approach affects and alters every sociocultural area of our knowledge. Modern matriarchal research therefore now forms part of basic research and represents a new philosophical paradigm. This first volume is devoted to contemporary matriarchal societies in East Asia, Indonesia and the Pacific.

Dr. Heide Göttner-Abendroth, Philosophin und Kulturforscherin, ist freie Wissenschaftlerin und Autorin. Sie gründete 1986 die unabhängige “HAGIA. Akademie für Moderne Matriarchatsforschung” und leitet sie seither.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 402 g
Größe 231 × 154 × 22 cm
Autor*in Heide Göttner-Abendroth
Erscheinungsjahr 2021
Format Kartoniert / Broschiert
Seiten 264 Seiten
ISBN-13 (EAN) 9783170376991
Verlag Kohlhammer W.