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Politik im Zeitnotstand

Katastrophen, Krisen, Kriege, Transformationsprozesse

Jürgen P. Rinderspacher

364 Seiten, Gebunden

Budrich · 2024



Artikelnummer: NDS3718162


Time pressure has become the central challenge for political action. Catastrophes, crises, wars, and the great transformation process of society toward climate neutrality overlap and leave little room for communication and democratic processes. Freedom, prosperity and, not least, the right to one’s own time seem to be increasingly called into question by the countermeasures taken by those with political responsibility. However, if action is not taken in time, these goods are also threatened. Are there ways out of this dilemma?

Dr. Jürgen P. Rinderspacher, Institut für Ethik und angrenzende Sozialwissenschaften (IfES) der Universität Münster

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 639 g
Größe 216 × 153 × 26 cm
Autor*in Jürgen P. Rinderspacher
Erscheinungsjahr 2024
Format Gebunden
Seiten 364 Seiten
ISBN-13 (EAN) 9783847430278
Verlag Budrich