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Red Glow

Yugoslav Partisan Photography and Social Movement, 1941-1945

Davor Konjikusic, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (Hg.)

423 Seiten, Gebunden

Deutscher Kunstverlag · 2021



Artikelnummer: NDS3588627


Davor KonjikuSic offers an in-depth presentation and contextualization of the photographs created by Yugoslav partisans between 1941 and 1945. The book goes beyond an aesthetic depiction of the photographs; it also deals with the history of their use and function within one of the biggest anti-fascist movements in Europe during the Second World War. The photographs are used to trace the development of a movement that-while seemingly doomed to certain failure-nevertheless survived the most destructive war in human history. This book provides new answers to the question of photography’s role as a medium and its significance and use in social movements.

Davor Konjikuši¿, Journalist und Fotograf, Zagreb/Kroatien; übersetzt ins Englische von Andrew Hodges.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 1690 g
Größe 265 × 202 × 43 cm
Autor*in Davor Konjikusic, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (Hg.)
Erscheinungsjahr 2021
Format Gebunden
Seiten 423 Seiten
ISBN-13 (EAN) 9783422986404
Verlag Deutscher Kunstverlag
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