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Struwwelhitler. A Nazi Story Book by Doktor Schrecklichkeit

A wartime parody of the famous Slovenly Peter or Shock Headed Peter (Struwwelpeter)

Robert Spence, Philip Spence

26 Seiten, Kartoniert / Broschiert

Autorenhaus Verlag · 2013



Artikelnummer: NDS3707463


StruwwelhitlerA Nazi Story Book by Doktor SchrecklichkeitProduced in wartime, it might have been a modest volume ofsmall dimensions printed on cheap paper, but it was successfulfrom the very start. The Struwwelhitler was published in 1941 toraise funds for the Daily Sketch War Relief Fund, which supportedthe British troops and victims of the German air raids.The book was reprinted several times over a short period.

‘Dr. Schrecklichkeit’ was the pen name of Robert and PhilipSpence, who studied art in Newcastle. Later Robert Spencejoined the Royal Society of Etchers and Engravers and Philipbecame a popular watercolor artist and illustrator. TheStruwwelhitler was a collaborative effort; although Robert livedin London and Philip in Gateshead, they created it togetherworking in their respective homes and sending their sketchesand ideas back and forth. The work of political satire waspublished in the same publishing house as the ‘Daily Sketch’,an illustrated newspaper.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 77 g
Größe 175 × 144 × 7 cm
Autor*in Robert Spence, Philip Spence
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
Format Kartoniert / Broschiert
Seiten 26 Seiten
ISBN-13 (EAN) 9783866711174
Verlag Autorenhaus Verlag