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The Psychosis of Whiteness

Surviving the Insanity of a Racist World

Kehinde Andrews


Penguin Books Ltd (UK) · 2023



Artikelnummer: NDS3629569


We are afflicted by serious delusions, like that racism can be cured with a one-hour inclusion seminar, and bizarre collective hallucinations, like that Britain’s only role in slavery was to abolish it. Andrews is your piercing, wry and not a little funny guide back to sanity, unpicking the absurd lies society tells to keep up the status quo.

Kehinde Andrews is the UK’s first professor of Black Studies, at Birmingham City University where he led the establishment of the first Black Studies programme in Europe, the Chair of the Harambee Organisation of Black Unity and editor in chief of Make It Plain. He is the author of Back to Black: Retelling Black Radicalism for the 21st Century and The New Age of Empire: How Racism and Colonialism Still Rule the World.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 472 g
Größe 239 × 159 × 30 cm
Autor*in Kehinde Andrews
Erscheinungsjahr 2023
Format Gebunden
ISBN-13 (EAN) 9780241437476
Verlag Penguin Books Ltd (UK)