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The Serpent and the Wings of Night. Special Edition

Carissa Broadbent

464 Seiten, Gebunden

Pan Macmillan · 2024



Artikelnummer: NDS3584543


The Serpent and the Wings of Night is The Hunger Games with vampires and the first book in the BookTok phenomenon and international bestselling Crowns of Nyaxia series by Carissa Broadbent – perfect for fans of From Blood and Ash and A Court of Thorns and Roses.

Carissa Broadbent has been concerning teachers and parents with mercilessly grim tales since she was roughly nine years old. Since then, her stories have gotten (slightly) less depressing and (hopefully a lot?) more readable. Today, she writes novels that blend epic fantasy plots with a heaping dose of romance. She lives with her husband, her son, one very badly behaved rabbit and one perpetually sceptical cat in Rhode Island.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 720 g
Größe 241 × 159 × 47 cm
Autor*in Carissa Broadbent
Erscheinungsjahr 2024
Format Gebunden
Seiten 464 Seiten
ISBN-13 (EAN) 9781035051939
Verlag Pan Macmillan
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