Urban Austerity: Impacts of the Global Financial Crisis on Cities in Europe

Hg: Barbara Schönig, Sebastian Schipper

296 Seiten, Paperback

Theater der Zeit · 2016



Artikelnummer: NDS2983953 Kategorien: , Schlagwörter: ,


Edition Gegenstand und Raum 8

What started as a mortgage crisis in 2007 and became a global financial and economic crisis in 2008, has transformed into a sovereign debt crisis since 2010. Throughout, cities all over Europe have been at the heart of the turmoil in multiple ways: indebted homeowners have been evicted, masses impoverished, public budgets tightened, municipal infrastructures privatized, and public services downsized. In short, austerity measures have been implemented.

In view of the above, this book focuses on an issue that affects most people living in urban regions across Europe: the idea that fiscal austerity is a necessity that politics cannot avoid, no matter how harsh the consequences might be. To bring the effects of austerity politics to the forefront, the authors of this book expose actual urban problems in their spatiotemporal dimensions, discuss regulatory restructurings under a new regime of austerity urbanism, and reflect on the role of urban social movements struggling for progressive alternatives.

Barbara Schönig is Professor for Urban Planning and Director of the Institute for European Urban Studies at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany. Sebastian Schipper, PhD, is a researcher at the Department for Human Geography, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 500 g
Größe 14,5 × 22 cm
Autor*in Hg: Barbara Schönig, Sebastian Schipper
Erscheinungsjahr 2016
Format Paperback
Seiten 296 Seiten
ISBN-13 (EAN) 978-3-95749-083-4
Verlag Theater der Zeit